Sven Drühl studied art and mathematics in the 1990s at the height of the postmodern debate. He sees recourse to and expansion of the artistic achievements of modernism and postmodernism as an opportunity to develop a new metamodern visual language. The themes that the artist explores in his mostly landscape based artworks are cultural transfer, originality, authorship, quotation, remix, seriality, but also interference with nature and changes to the concept of landscape. Sven Drühl's oeuvre is characterized by different work phases: Landscape paintings from the art-historical series based on quotations. Mountain and water paintings of the lacquer series, which are based on virtual models from the gaming industry, neon-lightworks and bronze sculptures.

1968 born in Nassau, Germany

1991-96 Art and Mathematics, Universität GH Essen

2002-04 Grant of Volkswagen-Stiftung Hannover

2003 Grant of X. Rohkunstbau, Berlin

2005 Thesis Dr. phil.

2007 Falkenrot-Price for Painting, Berlin

2008 Grant of Pollock-Krasner-Foundation, New York

2016 Fellowship of Honor, Künstlerhaus Lukas, Ahrenshoop


1997-99 Teaching Universität GH Essen

1999-02 Teaching Goethe-Universität Frankfurt

2004 Lecture Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden

2008 Lecture Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig

2011 Guest-Professor for Painting CDK Hangzhou, China (Cooperation with UdK Berlin)

Sven Drühl lives and works in Berlin

Sven Drühl, 2020, Foto: Carolin Seeliger, Berlin